Wednesday 26 November 2008

14/11/08: bro's little birthday party at his school

Today's friday, the LAST DAY of school. Cool hah? Well, so i decided to do something better, for instant , go to help my mum celebrate my little bro's birthday at his kindergarten. so, here i am.

My mum is taking the cake out. I am faster than my dad. He is only taking his camera out when i capture this photo. XD

Now. The very cute boy in red shirt is my dear little brother. And that's his cake: winnie the pooh. He chose it.

Say cheese!!

Wah! So many little kids. Thier teacher is giving out the cake to every kid in this room.

It's cake time!!
So, after all this, i go back home and prepare for school. It's sort of fun, looking at so many beautiful smiles when the kids see the cake.

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