Saturday 15 November 2008

oh~ look at patrick

i felt bored, so i took some photos of my patrick the dog..

( look at me, i'm off to a holiday, to the beach which has deep clear blue sea, clean and yellowish sand. why don't you come with me, it'll be fun to have someone to play with. )

( don't worry that the sun is hot, i've brought sun block for you. )

( finally, we're here. let's head for the beach. what do you want to do first? let me suggest, swimming in the sea, diving in the sea, sun bathing on the beach, building sand castle, collecting sea shells or taking photos of the breath-taking scenery? pick one and i'm with you. you can count on me. )

( so, you've decided to sun bathing. look at me, i'm sun bathing with sun glasses on my eyes. wow, isn't what i've said rhyme? )

( the sun is getting hotter and hotter! )
okay, enough of patrick, got to go now, it has passed midnight.
i seriously need more sleep.

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