Sunday 31 May 2009


i find that i am easily emo these days.
maybe i am turning a very pessimistic again.
if it really became so, it would make it twice,
and maybe i would be like this forever.

i don't want to be like this.
i am not like what i am when i was 14 anymore
people change.
so maybe i've change.
but i am not sure what i am changing to.
maybe i will lost myself.

all is unsure.
and i am scared
and fell unsafe at the same time.
i am forgotten.
maybe it's because of time

hope time can bring me back to my old self
but i'm not sure if i can recognize my old self
as it has been a long time

maybe i really am forgotten...

p/s i don't really know what i am writing.
maybe that's how i fell now.

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