Monday 22 June 2009

moderate day except for p.e. lesson

my title has told you what you need to know about my day.
it's just moderate.
nothing much happened..

there is one thins, actually..
my P.E. lesson..
played basketball, my favourite, after all the exams and holidays.

playing with old friends is a fun thing to do.
the game was really excited
and many funny incidents today.
so, we were laughing while playing..
this was quite impossible,
but we did it..
so, we're superhuman..

let me tell you another thing..
i'm writing this because xinQi kept asking me to..
i've done my post.
where's yours??


oh yeah, and biology lesson.
it was boring in a way.
not because of the subject,
but the teacher..
her sleeping charm is one of the strongest i can get in all the teachers that teach us.
and moreover
it was raining heavily.
so, this made the situation worst.

everyone were very sleepy at that time.
i wasn't very sleepy
not because of the teacher's sleeping charm didn't have any effect on me,
in fact, it had.
but i was sort of hyperactive that i kept annoying xinqi and junhui...

well i think this is enough for today, right? xinqi
now i can have my dinner..

see ya

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