Friday 16 April 2010


with every goodbye that i've been through
i found out that i'm used goodbyes now
i'm getting tougher?
i'm getting stronger?
or i'm just getting numb?
there's a chance

we're in mid April now
one by one
will be leaving or have already left for their new destinations and adventures

the airport seems to be a sad place and a joyful place at the same time
people say goodbyes
people say hello
people cry of farewell
people cry of joy
it's heart-breaking in a way to go to airport
because you'll see farewells
but it also give you a glimpse of hope
because you know you'll see hellos

'every sunrise has a sunset before it,
every hello has a goodbye before it'
without goodbyes, there won't be an hello
when it's my time
will i cry?

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